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Articles - Podcasts

Local musicians reminisce about memorable gigs
Ontario’s framework for Stage 3 reopening, concerts are officially allowed to happen. But there are specific conditions and appropriate health and safety measures that are required to be in place (physical distancing, physical barriers between audien
Blues king Jack de Keyzer prepares for back-to-back shows in Westport
Award-winning Canadian blues king performs the Blues at The Cove series, January 17 and 18.
Young kept bands beating
Story on former drummer for Chris Belsito Band
Mining the Sault’s rich musical history
Local music aficionado, Shaun Antler, has taken on the daunting task of gathering information about the city’s rich musical history... Coming from a region so rich in music, it was destined that a teenaged Antler gravitated towards the many popular Detr
Music City, Sault Ste. Marie… the time is now
the Music City concept has emerged under a determined Sault Chamber of Commerce and wider business community leadership. A simple, but evocative notion – the Sault as a recognised locale that embraces its music industry, leveraging its known talent, ass
The Borderline: 'An explosion of creativity online'
The Borderline internet radio is on a mission to make local arts and culture front and centre in the community
“Fergot Mu' Biscuits:” On the Deathstar Tour with The Pack A.D. (Part One!)
These gals...crazy. Vancouver to Toronto for a single gig. Fly home. Immediately pack the tour van. Cross the border at night. Drive 15 hours to a poorly attended Monday night show in Denver. Who does that? The Pack A.D., mofo, that's who....

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Going Underground: A Brief History of Punk Rock in Small Town Canada
The book officially starts with a six and-a-half page story on the "first wave" of the local punk scene in the 1980s, along with Paolo's beginnings as a photographer. He goes into detail about how his love for photography blossomed, his first experiences
Author: Rob Figures
Published by: the Sault Metal Scene
Documenting the Sault's music history
Special event being held to launch the Soo Music Project's multi-media directory and present it to the Sault Ste. Marie Museum
Author: Chris Belsito
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