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Local musicians reminisce about memorable gigs
Ontario’s framework for Stage 3 reopening, concerts are officially allowed to happen. But there are specific conditions and appropriate health and safety measures that are required to be in place (physical distancing, physical barriers between audien
Young kept bands beating
Story on former drummer for Chris Belsito Band
The Early Days – Sault Ste. Marie, Balderdash …
The story of Balderdash on to Shama My mother had passed away from cancer when I was nine. Being kind of a lonely kid, the next two years of my life were spent ‘noodling’ on every instrument my older brothers, Kenny and Jimmy, would bring home from t
A Bit About . . . Frank Deresti
Frank Deresti, is a talented local musician and is beloved by his music students. Mindy Furano, has never seen an episode of Peppa Pig
Defunct Local Band Profile Series: Amethyst
Amethyst were a clear bright spot on the local scene in their heyday, and if you love classic heavy metal or hair metal, you'd be well served to check out their available material
Ontario’s Country Music Pioneers: Gary Buck
Gary Buck was a leader on the Canadian country music scene as a “builder”, as well as a recording artist, songwriter and producer. His talents in all of these fields have been largely responsible for laying the groundwork and development of the Canadi
Debbie Lori Kaye 50 years ago today
picking through the 45s at various second hand places around town you can still find her music. It was 50 years ago that she released two 45s on Columbia Records: Come on home / Help me love you and Ride Ride Ride / Break my mind.
Debbie Lori Kaye and Penn Watkinson
One Thursday night we went to the local Ramada inn and caught a new act called “Parade”. It starred a young Canadian girl named Debbie Lori Kaye. She was about 4 feet 11 inches tall, cute as a button, and had a voice unlike any we had ever heard...
The life and history of Jay Case and how he came to make the album, Foundation
For Jay Case, music has been his life and music is so intertwined with who he is as a person, there is no separation. Although Jay Case will be debuting his first solo album Foundation at a CD release event in late December, this is far from his first al
Locals gather to celebrate Ed Young
It was a bittersweet celebration last night at Loplops as a crew of local musicians gathered to bid a fond farewell to Sault drummer extraordinaire, Ed Young.

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Mining the Sault’s rich musical history
Local music aficionado, Shaun Antler, has taken on the daunting task of gathering information about the city’s rich musical history... Coming from a region so rich in music, it was destined that a teenaged Antler gravitated towards the many popular Detr
Author: Chris Belsito
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Going Underground: A Brief History of Punk Rock in Small Town Canada
The book officially starts with a six and-a-half page story on the "first wave" of the local punk scene in the 1980s, along with Paolo's beginnings as a photographer. He goes into detail about how his love for photography blossomed, his first experiences
Author: Rob Figures
Published by: the Sault Metal Scene

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