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A Maple Leaf On Every Turntable Means Made-In-Canada Pop Stars
Debbie Lori Kaye featured in a 1970 MacLean's article looking into the Canadian Radio-Television Commission's brand new Canadian content ruling - "by January 18, 1971, 30% of music played on AM radio in Canada should be, in some part, Canadian"
Debbie Lori Kaye and Penn Watkinson
One Thursday night we went to the local Ramada inn and caught a new act called “Parade”. It starred a young Canadian girl named Debbie Lori Kaye. She was about 4 feet 11 inches tall, cute as a button, and had a voice unlike any we had ever heard...
"Foggy Style Volume 1" CD Review!!
...We have quite the throwback this month, as we're finally taking a look at "Foggy Style Volume 1", the compilation album put out by defunct local nightclub & concert venue Foggy Notions during the peak of their run at 704 Queen Street East!
Chris Belsito reprimanded by
Chris Belsito,'s Arts and Entertainment Editor-Person, has been formally reprimanded, News Director Dave Helwig announced this afternoon.
Punkers celebrate 35 years of brotherhood, bruises and beers in the Sault
Celebrating 35 years of brotherhood, bruises and beers, they’ll be hitting the road in July of 2019 with dates in nine cities across the province. ... The tour kicks off in Sault Ste. Marie on July 5 with local support from Destroilet and The Filthy Dad
Wood’s versatility delivers a personal flare by capturing the Chicago style blues traditions and merging a journey of hard core real country, melodic jazz with a diverse array of other influences.
Mining the Sault’s rich musical history
Local music aficionado, Shaun Antler, has taken on the daunting task of gathering information about the city’s rich musical history... Coming from a region so rich in music, it was destined that a teenaged Antler gravitated towards the many popular Detr
Could the Sault become a destination for music tourism? These folks think it can happen
Sault Chamber hosts The Mastering of a Music City in Sault Ste. Marie event; working group established locally to look at economic benefits of creating a 'music city'
Music City, Sault Ste. Marie… the time is now
the Music City concept has emerged under a determined Sault Chamber of Commerce and wider business community leadership. A simple, but evocative notion – the Sault as a recognised locale that embraces its music industry, leveraging its known talent, ass
Documenting Sault's music scene nears end
This is The End of Shaun Antler’s efforts to document Sault Ste. Marie’s music history. What started as a small-scale attempt to get names of members of groups through the years grew into a two-year project that now stands at 1,722 entries.
The life and history of Jay Case and how he came to make the album, Foundation
For Jay Case, music has been his life and music is so intertwined with who he is as a person, there is no separation. Although Jay Case will be debuting his first solo album Foundation at a CD release event in late December, this is far from his first al
Room 206: Take a time machine to the 1993 Sault music scene
Soolebrity Records is releasing a vinyl re-issue of Room 206’s debut album, "2 Innies and 1 Outie", originally released on cassette, with bonus tracks that include members of No Doubt, Goldfinger and No Use for a Name
Dynowaves: the Sault’s surf rock band, releases new EP
When you’re the only surf rock band in town, you are most likely in a class of your own. For James Moss, Jefferson Childs and Jamie Vincent, it just about digging that reverbed guitar sound and energy.
Who the *bleep* reunites just to break up?
Formed as a wedding gift in 2000 to perform at a friend's Stag and Doe, popular Sault rock band Spiderback had big plans for the future.

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Documenting Sault's music scene nears end
This is The End of Shaun Antler’s efforts to document Sault Ste. Marie’s music history. What started as a small-scale attempt to get names of members of groups through the years grew into a two-year project that now stands at 1,722 entries.
Author: Brian Kelly
Published by: Sault Star
Mining the Sault’s rich musical history
Local music aficionado, Shaun Antler, has taken on the daunting task of gathering information about the city’s rich musical history... Coming from a region so rich in music, it was destined that a teenaged Antler gravitated towards the many popular Detr
Author: Chris Belsito
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