Benjamin Woo-Mintz

\m / METAL \m / from Vancouver BC
Age: 35 (estimated)
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Benjamin Woo-Mintz

Guitar Intermediate Amateur
Bass Intermediate Amateur
Vocals Intermediate Amateur
influences: IN FLAMES, KALMAH, dimension zero, megadeth, slayer, insomnium, diamond head, iron maiden, early metallica (kill 'em all), KREATOR, anthrax, testament, megadeth, devildriver, burn the priest, carcass, arch enemy, dark, tranquility, AT THE GATES, AMON AMRTH, quo vadis, skyfire, arsis, the haunted, the black dahlia murder, the absence, dimmu borgir, graveworm, children of bodom, warbringer, shadows fall, unearth, strapping young lad, parkway drive, mastery, slowmotion apocalypse, 3 inches of blood, kataklysm, jimi hendrix, miles davis's sketches of spain, ornet coleman, entombed, unleashed, carnage, ceremonial oath, diablo, necrophagist, exodus (last album), death angel, atheist, carcass (heartwork), danzig (early), dismember, opeth, blood red throne, himsa (everything but their fist album), gutworm, edge of sanity, holy moses, tankard, destruction, overkill, paradox, plus lots more

i have experiance with recording, editing, mastering, but only with pro tools

i used to play the violen wich has resulted in some musical theory knowledge

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Sadistic Saint
lead/rythm guitar
2007 - The End
Prophet Reborn
Lead and Rhythm/Harmonizing Guitar
2005 - The End

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