Bands & Ensembles

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Apricot Brandy

Rock and Roll/Dance Band

Sault Ste. Marie Bands and Ensembles

Our database currently contains profiles for 1598 local bands As such, you are going to want to narrow down your selection using the dropdown menus below. Remember, all profiles are kept current by the artists themselves.

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Bands + Ensembles

Sykotyk Rampage
BLUE CHINESE METAL CRASH PUNK from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
since 1982
from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
since circa 2006
Alternative Punk from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
circa 2014 - circa 2016
Middlesex County
from London BC
circa 2003 - circa 2005
The Cretins
punk from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
circa 1994 - circa 1995
Rock/Progressive/Metal from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
circa 2003 - circa 2008
The Spoons
Punk from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
The Soviet Space Program
from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
Metal from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
White Lies (Saultites based in Toronto)
Rock/Punk from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
When They Fall
Metal from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
since circa 2010
The Vandals
Punk from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
The Valentine's Day Massacre
from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
Punk from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
Time Of Ruin
Metal from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
since circa 2007
This Is Your Band On Drugs
Metal from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
since circa 2014
These Sins Of Time (a.k.a. Meant To Last)
from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
Terminal Insanity
Metal/Industrial/Death Metal from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
since 2010
Punk Rock/Rock and Roll from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
since circa 1990
The Suicide Kings (aka Beaumont Avenue)
Heavy Metal/Hard Rock from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
since circa 2013
Stripped Of His Wings (a.k.a. Camorra)
Screamo/Progressive/Post Hardcore/Indie from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
since 2004
Punk/Metal/Rock Fusion from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
since circa 2016
The Special Guests
Punk Rock/Rock and Roll from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
since circa 1990
Sorrow Field
from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
Sons of Stone
from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
since circa 1968
Melodic Death Metal/Grindcore from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
since circa 1970
Skull After Betrayal
Metal/Hardcore from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
since circa 2011
Skeyes Of Seven
Hard Rock/Metal from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
since circa 2007
from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
since circa 2008

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Featured Articles

Mining the Sault’s rich musical history
Local music aficionado, Shaun Antler, has taken on the daunting task of gathering information about the city’s rich musical history... Coming from a region so rich in music, it was destined that a teenaged Antler gravitated towards the many popular Detr
Author: Chris Belsito
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Documenting the Sault's music history
Special event being held to launch the Soo Music Project's multi-media directory and present it to the Sault Ste. Marie Museum
Author: Chris Belsito
Published by:

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