Bands & Ensembles

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Apricot Brandy

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Sault Ste. Marie Bands and Ensembles

Our database currently contains profiles for 1598 local bands As such, you are going to want to narrow down your selection using the dropdown menus below. Remember, all profiles are kept current by the artists themselves.

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Bands + Ensembles

Lola's Nephew
from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
since circa 2007
NuMetal/Punk from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
since circa 1999
The Kite Eating Maples
Punk from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
since 1990
Hardcore Crust Punk from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
since circa 2012
Joe Dizazter
Punk Rock from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
since 1978
Joe Band
Punk/Rock from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
since 1978
Jesus & The Cross Trainers
from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
Nite Wulfe
from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
since circa 2008
Progressive/Metal/Post-Rock from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
circa 2005 - circa 2008
Indie/Punk/Rock from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
since circa 2013
The Drift
Punk from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
since circa 2008
The Cover-Ups
Punk from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
since circa 2000
The Wing-Its
Punk from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
circa 2010 - circa 2015
The Issues
from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
since circa 2008
The Injected
Punk/Alternative Rock from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
since circa 1986
The id
from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
The Hydras Teeth
Metal/Thrash from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
circa 2013 - circa 2014
Hellfish Bonanza, Marc Boyer and
from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
Heavy Head
Hardcore Rock from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
The Harsh Heads
Hardcore Punk from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
since circa 1995
General Stryker
Metal from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
since circa 2011
Garden of Bedlam
Heavy Metal from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
since circa 2008
Metal from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
since circa 1995
Fluffy Teddy Bear
Progressive/Metal from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
since 2009
Fist Magnet
Punk from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
Fist Fighting Stephan Hawking (FFSH)
Metal from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
since 1995
Final Option
Punk from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
since 1985
Faithless Sin
Metal from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
since circa 2008
Eyes Set Fire
Metal from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
since circa 2008
Eden Plague
Death Metal from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
since circa 2011

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Featured Articles

Going Underground: A Brief History of Punk Rock in Small Town Canada
The book officially starts with a six and-a-half page story on the "first wave" of the local punk scene in the 1980s, along with Paolo's beginnings as a photographer. He goes into detail about how his love for photography blossomed, his first experiences
Author: Rob Figures
Published by: the Sault Metal Scene
Mining the Sault’s rich musical history
Local music aficionado, Shaun Antler, has taken on the daunting task of gathering information about the city’s rich musical history... Coming from a region so rich in music, it was destined that a teenaged Antler gravitated towards the many popular Detr
Author: Chris Belsito
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