Bands & Ensembles

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Apricot Brandy

Rock and Roll/Dance Band

Sault Ste. Marie Bands and Ensembles

Our database currently contains profiles for 1598 local bands As such, you are going to want to narrow down your selection using the dropdown menus below. Remember, all profiles are kept current by the artists themselves.

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Bands + Ensembles

Ska/Punk from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
since circa 2010
The Tilrays
Rock/Reggae from Sault Ste Marie Ontario
since circa 2018

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Could the Sault become a destination for music tourism? These folks think it can happen
Sault Chamber hosts The Mastering of a Music City in Sault Ste. Marie event; working group established locally to look at economic benefits of creating a 'music city'
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Author: James Hopkin
Mining the Sault’s rich musical history
Local music aficionado, Shaun Antler, has taken on the daunting task of gathering information about the city’s rich musical history... Coming from a region so rich in music, it was destined that a teenaged Antler gravitated towards the many popular Detr
Author: Chris Belsito
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