Atomique Productions and The Zone @ 91-3, Modern Rock in Victoria present
- Mounties Band -
To crib a line for the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Canada is big. Really big.
If you tried to draw a chalk line joining the birthplaces of Hawksley Workman, Steve Bays, and Ryan Dahle—all of them prominently Canadian, all from separate corners of this enormous country—well, you couldn’t. It’s too big.
Here’s another thing that’s big: “Headphones”, the deliriously catchy first single from Mounties, a band that started as a chance meeting between the three men at the 2009 Juno Awards, and became a spectacular, improvised two week recording session three years later.
Like the rest of the full-length that Dahle and Bays are busily mixing, it’s what Dah...le calls a “song from zero,” improvised from the ground-up—Workman on drums, Bays and Dahle on an array of vintage guitars and keyboards—and captured to tape once the three bandmates were finished throwing ideas at each other in an old Airstream trailer sitting outside.
Considering what each of these musicians has achieved separately over the years, and how much we might owe them as fans and listeners, the implications of that statement are fairly staggering. If you tried to draw a chalk line around that statement—well, you couldn’t. It’s too big.
Mounties - If This Dance Catches On
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