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Wonderment: Classical influenced ambient at the Sidney Pavillion: Sabrina Dzuga...

Mon. August 7th 2017 Sidney Waterfront Pavillion: End of Beacon Avenue Sidney BC Free

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Wonderment: Classical influenced ambient at the Sidney Pavillion: Sabrina Dzugalo, Dominion of Being, Telurk, Rozek

The Garden City Electronic Music Society presents a special edition of the Wonde...
Event can be attended in person In-Person Event
Mon. August 7th 2017 + Add to Calendar Sidney Waterfront Pavillion: End of Beacon Avenue (All Ages)
1:30pm  Doors at: 1:30pm Free


Sabrina Dzugalo
Dominion of Being
from Salt Spring Island BC

Presented by:

Garden City Electronic Music Society
709 Yates Street Victoria BC
since 2017

Event Description

The Garden City Electronic Music Society presents a special edition of the Wonderment Series at the Sidney Waterfront Pavillion at the end of Beacon Avenue in Sidney BC. This is a gorgeous recently developed location featuring an acoustically designed bandshell and great attractions for both children and adults nearby.

This edition of the Wonderment series presents classical influenced ambient music with live performances from Sabrina Dzugalo, Dominion of Being and a collaboration between Telurk and Rozek.

Sidney Waterfront Pavillion is not too far off the Lochside Bike Trail that travels from Victoria to the north end of the Saanich Peninsula. It is also accessible by taking the #70 Express Bus to Swartz Bay - get off at the Fifth Street and Beacon Ave stop in Sidney, and walk down a few blocks to the waterfront pier.

The Sidney Pavillion is close to other attractions for both kids and adults, including the Shaw Centre for the Salish Sea aquarium. There are plenty of cafes and a Fairway Market nearby for food and drink. Please "pack-it-in-pack-it-out" and remember that there is a no smoking bylaw in effect at public parks.

This event will feature a stereo system, including Turbosound.

In the 1990s, Sabrina Dzugalo hosted Victoria's first weekly event that was exclusively devoted to ambient and chillout music. In 1998, she moved to Toronto to attend the Harris Institute Audio Production Program and lived in Toronto before returning to BC. Much of her work within electronic music has drawn her to minimal techno and deep house, with an EP release due out on Woodwork Recordings sometime this year. Ambient was never left behind, however, and Sabrina will combine her minimalist production ethos with classical influences like Eric Satie for this live performance.

Dominion of Being is an electronic music collective that uses modular synthesizers and found sounds to compose music that recalibrate the internal life of individual being. Introspective melodies carry through minimalist drones, cultivating a simplicity that paradoxically results in complex emotive responses.

Telurk and Rozek are well known within the local experimental music scene, champions of circuit bending and pushing electronic instruments to their full capacity. Over the years, Rozek has crafted a collection of MIDI files that feature classical music pieces to test new equipment. From this collection, Rozek and Telurk will present their symphony of synthesizers - analogue, modular and digital - bringing together diverse technologies with a performance in the tradition of Wendy Carlos.

In between live sets, Dub Gnostic will DJ ambient classics from his 40 years of collecting- music that draws from classical tradition and beyond.


Sidney Waterfront Pavillion: End of Beacon Avenue

Event Poster

Wonderment:  Classical influenced ambient at the Sidney Pavillion: Sabrina Dzugalo, Dominion of Being, Telurk, Rozek @ Sidney Waterfront Pavillion:  End of Beacon Avenue Aug 7 2017 - Mar 19th @ Sidney Waterfront Pavillion:  End of Beacon Avenue

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