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AIC Facelift Tribute - Celebrating the Life & Music of Layne Staley: Facelift, R...

Thu. April 5th 2018 V-lounge Victoria BC $15

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AIC Facelift Tribute - Celebrating the Life & Music of Layne Staley: Facelift, Riffheist

Victoria BC's Alice in Chains Tribute FACELIFT will be celebrating the life and ...
Event can be attended in person In-Person Event
Thu. April 5th 2018 + Add to Calendar V-lounge (No Minors)
10:00pm  Doors at: 9:00pm $15


Grunge from Victoria BC
since circa 2017

Hard-copy tickets

Physical tickets at: Red Lion Motor Inn, RE-buy-Cyle

Event Description

Victoria BC's Alice in Chains Tribute FACELIFT will be celebrating the life and music of Layne Staley on the memorial of his death (April 5, 2002). Expect a fun-filled night of amazing performances, favourite songs you can sing along too, and raising awareness and funds for the West Shore Music Port (a FREE band program for at-risk youth ages 12 -17).

Joining us to start off the night right is local legends RIFFHËIST- who bring their own style of rock n' roll inspired by all of the bands they love. As an added bonus they will also be showcasing some new covers for this special night.

Our last show SOLD OUT, don't wait to secure your tickets for this amazing night.

Join us in honouring the loss of one of the 90s most loved musicians and pioneers of the Seattle sound.

When : THURSDAY APRIL 5, 2018 @ 9PM
Where: V-Lounge @ 3366 Douglas St
Cost : $15 ($5 will be donated to West Shore Music Port)

Tickets available Online @ universe.com

Tickets available IRL...

Red Lion (front desk) @ 3366 Douglas St
Re-Buy-Cyle Shop @ 1112 Goldstream


3366 Douglas Street
Bar / Nightclub

Event Poster

AIC Facelift Tribute - Celebrating the Life & Music of Layne Staley: Facelift, Riffheist @ V-lounge Apr 5 2018 - Mar 18th @ V-lounge

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