Join Family Sunday Coordinator, April Caverhill, online and explore the AGGV virtually in some exciting new ways! Learn how to experience our exhibits using your body, your curiosity and all of your senses PLUS enjoy a mini art project.
Here’s what you will need to gather from around the house to follow along: a small cardboard box, scissors, tape, colouring supplies like pencil crayons, markers or paint, perhaps a few old magazines, white paper, and a glue stick. Stay tuned for the video release this Sunday at 2pm and join the fun! Video will be released on Feb 21 on our YouTube channel, where there are many cool, inspiring, Family Sunday videos to check out featuring wonderful local artists! Check this growing collection out at anytime.
Family Sunday happens every third Sunday of the month, from October – June, and is an afternoon of exploring hands-on art-making and ideas for all ages. This recurring program often features special guests like storytellers, artists, performers or musicians.
Below is a list of Artists and Resources in the database. We have worked hard to collect as many individuals and bands as possible, though we are certainly aware that this list is incomplete. There may be inaccuracies in the collected information. Please contact us if you find anything that needs correcting, or click the + sign at the top right of this page to add People and Resources who are missing from the listings.