From the album: I Am - July, 17th, 2015 Get the music and see more videos at

Directer: Sergio Luca Loreni
MUA: Mikayla Clease
Blind folded girl played by: Polina Stringini

Produced by: All 7 Entertainment


Lesson of a lifetime, time management
Finally the final exam is handed in
Hour glass flippin
The lessons branded within
The final note played on the mandolin
Body returns
A guest
A quest
Forever burn
Unless within the urn
Earn wages by work, never wait for a turn
The wheel of fortune tune for the show
Hold what you learn
Throw it in the pan ya, till you understand the
Point of the circle and drop the dress rehearsal
Shakespeare is dead but Im born again
Just a another skull on a rope till I reach PERFECTION

Said you gotta let it fly away
weren't meant to see another day

One plus One is two
Thats how it grew
Two plus two is four
Death at your door
Four plus four is eight
Infinite fate
You've been trying to make it count
But your a little too late
In this Video Artist(s) Lucid AfterLife

Video Credits

Produced by: Nathaniel Jack
Directed by: Sergio Luca Loreni
Posted: Aug. 19, 2015 via

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