APPLY: http://www.metalbattle.ca/apply.html
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Band submissions will open NOVEMBER 5, 2015 until JANUARY 5, 2016.

The biggest metal contest on the planet is returning to Canada.
The winning band receives a slot at the 2016 Wacken Open Air Festival, return flights to Germany and VIP camping.

Often under-estimated, but always a force to be reckoned with, Canada has forged such heavyweights as Exciter, Annihilator, Skull Fist, Devin Townsend, Voivod, Anvil, Razor, Into Eternity and more. The Quebec region, re-known for their love of extreme metal, has spawned the likes of Kataklysm, Cryptopsy, Martyr, Gorguts and Quo Vadis. Not to mention an impressive new wave of modern metal including Alexisonfire, 3 Inches of Blood, Protest The Hero, Cancer Bats, Baptized In Blood and Despised Icon.
Canada continues to be a strong supporter in the global metal scene by offering such contributions as the Brave Words & Bloody Knuckles publication, filmmaker Sam Dunn’s series of Metal documentaries including the critically acclaimed Metal: A Headbanger’s Journey, and the Heavy MTL festival.
In 2013, Canada’s own Crimson Shadows were crowned the Metal Battle international winner. A feat not easily achieved, and one of which we take much pride. It launched the band to an international level and earned them a record contract with Napalm Records.
In 2015, Canada re-lived that success with Vesperia, once again taking the 1st place at Wacken.
The year 2016 will be Canada’s 4th annual participation in the Wacken Metal Battle and will include 10 major cities in total: Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec City, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver, and Victoria. Only the strongest of contenders will be chosen to participate, to yield one true champion, and represent their nation with highest honor at the Wacken Open Air Festival.
In this Video Resource(s) Wacken Metal Battle Canada
Posted: Nov. 6, 2015 via LiveVan.com
Filmed: Nov. 5, 2015

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