Slim Jim to download or stream on iTunes.

"So now you say you're sorry and you call it a mistake - you tell my your whole story and you ask if it's too late - well I agree it's sorry that this has come to pass - I feel the power and glory and I wish that it could last - but I can see your Slim Jim though you keep it out of sight - I can see you driving off into the night."

Words and music by the band Words and music by the band EastVanEye - this lyric was written by William Truitt


You come across to anxious
Like you're leaving with a lie
You tell me where you're goin'
But you don't look me in the eye

And while I'm trying not to
Give into my suspicions
I can't help but notice
All your contradictions

I can see your Slim Jim
Though you keep it out of sight
I can see you driving off into the night

There you go a-swerving
Down the roads you embark
There you go a-chasing
All them rainbows in the dark

I can see your Slim Jim
Though you keep it out of sight
I can see you driving off into the night

So now you say you're sorry
You call it a mistake
You tell me your whole story
And you ask if it's too late
I agree it's sorry
This has come to pass
I feel the power and the glory
And I wish that it could last

But I can see your Slim Jim
Though you keep it out of sight
I can see you driving off into the night

Words and music copyright SOCAN CANADA



Words and music by William Truitt
Recorded and Mixed by Don Schmid
Mastered by Maztr
Video by Urchin Studios


Guitars/lead vocals/harp by William Truitt
Drums/Percussion by Don Schmid
Bass by Kevin Macza
Piano/Keyboards/Organ by Kevin Barrett
Background vocals by Dave Tic and Kevin Barrett


Eddie Gschiel/bass on Living off Spare Change
Lyle Ashe/backing vocals on Slim Jim
In this Video Artist(s) Brent Truitt
Posted: May. 8, 2020 via

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