Living Off Spare Change to download or stream on iTunes.

"Here's one for the old man, with the tourettes and the tin pan trying to make it living off spare change - a moonstruck manic is in a state of panic as a distant siren blows."

Words and music by EastVanEye - this lyric was written by William Truitt. Inspired by street musicians in Vancouver, BC, Canada


On the hot concrete
In that urban jungle heat
You're walking through the wilderness downtown
And as you seek relief
On the shady side of the street
You can hear that six string guitar sound
And street boy plays
His Fender in the awning shade
Soul is just a givin' strumming out a rhythm
Tryin' make a Living Off Spare Change

Now the rushing hour goes by
In assorted different strides
But they keep their heads
And their eyes down all the same
And those trolleys all arrive
With only standing room inside
Hopefuls holding fare standing on the stairs
They get off again
And street boy plays
For commuters of the working day
Soul is just a givin' strumming out a rhythm
Tryin' make it Living Off Spare Change

Twilight falls fast
On rain town moving slow
Some pedestrians pass
By a storefront sideshow
A sax man wails
A drummer he pounds the pails
And a moonstruck manic is in a state of panic
As a distant siren blows
And street boy plays
A savvy little song he made
He says, "Here's one for the old man
with the Tourette's and the tin pan
trying to make it Living Off Spare Change"

Words and music copyright SOCAN CANADA



Words and music by William Truitt
Recorded and Mixed by Don Schmid
Mastered by Maztr
Video by Urchin Studios


Guitars/lead vocals/harp by William Truitt
Drums/Percussion by Don Schmid
Bass by Kevin Macza
Piano/Keyboards/Organ by Kevin Barrett
Background vocals by Dave Tic and Kevin Barrett


Eddie Gschiel/bass on Living off Spare Change
Lyle Ashe/backing vocals on Slim Jim
In this Video Artist(s) Brent Truitt
Posted: May. 8, 2020 via

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