City Rain to download or stream on iTunes.

"You can but into a faith - you can buy into a dope - you can buy into a lover - whatever gives you hope - and some day if it's all in vain - you'll know something 'bout City Rain."

Words and music by the band EastVanEye - this lyric was written by William Truitt who was inspired by a missionary who was attempting to "save" people on the streets of Vancouver.


The missionary's coat
Is buttoned up so high
Maybe he's cold
Or it's something that he hides
Judging by the sorrow
That's building in his eyes
He won't be here tomorrow
Unless he up and dies

And he wonders if it's all in vain
He wonders if it's something
About City Rain

Now no one wants to stop
And listen to his faith
They heard it all before
On Granville, Bute, and Drake
Now the dealers in the doorways
Came out to sympathize
They've never had a problem
With finding souls to buy

And they said,
"Don't you think it's all in vain
Till you know something 'bout City Rain"

It's hard to sell
Something you can't see
You know it's hell
When that something is for free
You can buy into a faith
You can buy into a dope
You can buy into a lover
Whatever gives you hope
And someday if it's all in vain
You'll know something 'bout City Rain

Words and music copyright SOCAN CANADA



Words and music by William Truitt
Recorded and Mixed by Don Schmid
Mastered by Maztr
Video by Urchin Studios


Guitars/lead vocals/harp by William Truitt
Drums/Percussion by Don Schmid
Bass by Kevin Macza
Piano/Keyboards/Organ by Kevin Barrett
Background vocals by Dave Tic and Kevin Barrett


Eddie Gschiel/bass on Living off Spare Change
Lyle Ashe/backing vocals on Slim Jim
In this Video Artist(s) Brent Truitt
Posted: May. 8, 2020 via

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