Wreck Beach Revival

https://www.eastvaneye.com/ to download or stream on iTunes.

"The venders on this sand - their eyes are on the drift - they carry the Dakotas - they carry all the spliffs - and you can get your cards read honey - get your fortunes told - you can bet your hard earned money they say we're on a roll."

Words and music by the band EastVanEye - this lyric was written by William Truitt and was inspired by his visits to Wreck Beach (a popular nudist beach in Vancouver).


It's another sacred summer
Below the naked sky
All these freedom lovers
They lay down side by side
We can join these legions
Shed these skins we wear
And don't you worry 'bout darling
Because nobody here really cares

In a Wreck Beach Revival
And the word is we're alive girl
Wreck Beach Revival

The venders on this sand
Their eyes are on the drift
They carry the Dakotas
They carry all the spliffs
And you can get your cards read honey
Get your fortunes told
You can bet your hard earned money
They say we're on a roll

Wreck Beach Revival
And the word is we've arrived girl
Wreck Beach Revival
Anything goes

Well the moon has broken
And the stars are stolen
And the sun hides like a thief
It's overcast above us now
And we're back up on the street
And I ain't goin' nowhere
Until my soul is sanctified
Won't you stay here with me now
And take on this rolling tide

Wreck Beach Revival
In a word we've arrived girl
Wreck Beach Revival
Anything goes
Uh huh Uh huh
Wreck Beach Revival

Words and music copyright SOCAN CANADA



Words and music by William Truitt
Recorded and Mixed by Don Schmid
Mastered by Maztr
Video by Urchin Studios


Guitars/lead vocals/harp by William Truitt
Drums/Percussion by Don Schmid
Bass by Kevin Macza
Piano/Keyboards/Organ by Kevin Barrett
Background vocals by Dave Tic and Kevin Barrett


Eddie Gschiel/bass on Living off Spare Change
Lyle Ashe/backing vocals on Slim Jim
In this Video Artist(s) Brent Truitt
Posted: May. 8, 2020 via artsvictoria.ca

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