Dug Nugget - Full Set

Based in Victoria BC, Dug Nugget is the mother load of dancing, bluegrass, folk, and harmonious vocals. For the past six years and counting they have been putting smiles on thousands of people’s faces and working them into a sweat with their irresistible style of west coast folk.

“Rollin” was recorded as part of the Victoria Ska & Reggae Broadcast System’s Hidden Gem Sessions. Tracks from their Hidden Gem Sessions were aired on the third VSRBS telecast on September 10, 2020 which included Steele & the Hard Core Band, Kingston Rudieska from Korea and Mad Riddim.

VSRBS Technical Team

Lead Camera - Adam Lee
Video Switching - Darcy Douglas
Audio Mix - Nev Gibson
Sound reactive lighting courtesy of Limbic Media (Aurora Controller)
Posted: Dec. 24, 2020 via artsvictoria.ca
Filmed: Sep. 10, 2020

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