Atlantic Crossing Show (4 Tributes in One)

The British Are Coming!

Prepare to enjoy the best of the British Bands in your home theatre as the world famous Atlantic Crossing Show presents their authentic reproductions of The Beatles, Elton John, AC/DC and Rod Stewart all within the same show. Since 2004, The Atlantic Crossing Show has played literally all over the world to packed houses to very enthusiastic responses.

This would be an immeasurable feat for most entertainers if it weren’t for the exceptional abilities of the seasoned members in the Atlantic Crossing ensemble. When not performing their Brit show, they are the touring band for Randy Bachman.

Their Band member list reads like a Who’s Who of the Canadian Music Scene:
Marc LaFrance (drums, vocals), Brent Howard Knudsen (guitar, bass, vocals), Mick Dalla-Vee (guitar, bass, piano, drums, vocals), David Reimer (Bass, guitar, vocals), Ian Cameron: (fiddle, guitar, mandolin, bass, vocals)

Prepare to be thoroughly entertained, no matter what your musical preferences are. This show has it all!
In this Video Artist(s) Atlantic Crossing
Posted: Aug. 24, 2021 via

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