Celebrating Local Arts - Ministry of Casual Living

As part of the AGGV’s 2021 Celebration of Art — a new virtual program throughout the month of July — we have joined forces with arts and community groups in the CRD. We have collaborated with these fantastic organizations to create videos that highlight the important work that they are doing in the arts community. These short clips include tours of studio and gallery spaces, interviews with artists, members, and administrators working with these institutions, and even one virtual “Imagination Station”, which invites you to get creative from the comfort of your home. Watch the whole series to learn about all the great things that local arts organizations are doing in your community.

Learn more about the Ministry of Casual Living:
Website: https://ministryofcasualliving.ca/
Facebook: @ministryofcasual.living
Instagram: @ministryofcasualliving

The Art Gallery of Greater Victoria is located on the traditional territories of the Lekwungen peoples, today known as the Esquimalt and Songhees Nations. We extend our appreciation for the opportunity to live and learn on this territory.

Videography and editing by Marina DiMaio.
In this Video Resource(s) The Ministry of Casual Living
Posted: May. 28, 2022 via artsvictoria.ca

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