#TogetherAtHome Livestream: Spencer Evans -

Spencer Evans plays keyboard and clarinet, and sings many styles of songs as an entertainer on the Island Queen. He has toured across Canada, the US, and Europe, and worked with notable musicians such as Cowboy Junkies, Sarah Harmer, Jill Barber, Jeff Healey, and others playing jazz, funk, soul, rock and roll, swing, blues, classic pop tunes, reggae, and klezmer salsa.


Kingston is a city of musicians, makers, and creators. We are a city for experiencing and enjoying. Our vibrant arts and culture scene connects residents and visitors alike.

Visit Kingston has invited the makers of Kingston to take over our channels to perform a concert, showcase their artistry, guide parents through a craft for kids, and share their passion and creativity with the city and beyond.

We hope this connection will bring our community together while we are at home and support the creative scene we all love.

Participating artists will be compensated with an honorarium.

View the full schedule here: https://www.visitkingston.ca/makers/together-at-home/
In this Video Artist(s) Spencer Evans
Posted: May. 2, 2023 via artsvictoria.ca

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