"Inferno" (Original) | Sonya Bergin -


How did I let this begin?
I have become so devout
Since I let your ghost in
This fire won't go out

Is this what you do? Is this what you do?
Show up out of the blue, out of the blue

And mess me up
You're in my head
I'v been hanging onto the words you never said
Oh my love
Can't drown the truth
It's true my soul is an inferno
And it burns for you
And it burns for you
It burns for you

My heart can be so cruel
Forgets what my mind's about
These dreams of you are the fuel
It feels like you won't get out

It this what you do? Is this what you do?
Show up out of the blue, out of the blue


Burning, burning, burning for you (x6)

In this Video Artist(s) Sonya Bergin
Posted: May. 2, 2023 via artsvictoria.ca

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