Kasador - Lock On [Official Music Video]

Kasador - Lock On
Streaming everywhere - https://bfan.link/lock-on

Lock on
Seal the letter, strike the match and go on
Wash it down and stand your ground
It’s great fun
To wonder if you’re gonna be

Toss in the coin
Check the skies
Uncross your toes
You’ll realize

I despise
My cloudy vice is evil eyes that I spy
A sour spot where I can’t hide
It’s long gone
Overgrown and burnt to bone

Toss in the coin
Check the skies
Uncross your toes
You’ll realize

Lock on we lock on to let go
Lock on we lock on to let it go
Lock on we lock on to let go
Lock on we lock on to let it go

Lock on
Toss in the coin
Lock on
Check the skies
Soak my eyes with compromises
All the time it’s paralyzing

Lock on
Uncross your toes
Lock on
You’ll realize
Soak my eyes with compromises
All the time it’s paralyzing
Lock on

Production Company: Outpost12 Studios (@outpost12studios)
Set and Prop Construction: Visual Menace Creative (@visualmenacecreative)
Created by: Boris Baker (@borisgbaker) & Braden Dragomir (@bdragomir)
Original Concept by: Boris Baker
Concept Developed by: Braden Dragomir

Cameron Wyatt (both young and old)
Sasha French (@birdgirlarts)
Kay Kenney (@kaaykjay)
Devanshi Mishra (@devanxiii)
Norman (the fish)

Director/Producer: Braden Dragomir (@bdragomir)
Director of Photography: Brody McMaster (@brodymcmaster)
Editor: Taylor Leeder (@crudmuffin89)

Art Director/Production Designer: Melissa Eapen (@melissaescapes)
Construction Manager/AD Coordinator: Emma Rochon (@emmarochon)
Prop Fabrication + SFX Makeup: Devon Ellis (@dddev)
Prop Maker + Painter: Petra Bauer (@truemtrencher)
Prop Maker: Kevin Merritt (@thestickkid)
Prop Maker Assistant: Matteo Martins
Construction: Dan Bryant
Painter: Megan Shaw

Choreographer: Sasha French (more amazing @birdgirlarts)
Pink Dancer: Sasha French
Green Dancer: Kay Kenney
Blue Dancer: Devanshi Mishra
(More of their work at @kingstonschoolofdance)

Makeup Artist: Sarah Fairbairn (@sfair88)
Makeup Assistant: Emma Barbosa (@emmabarbosa)
Hair Stylist: Thomas Schultz (@thomasthehairmechanic)
Wardrobe: Rachel Vandenberg (@themagpiesnest.kingston)

Colour Studio: theVanity (@thevanityvfx)
Colourist: Brock Cruess
Executive Producer: Stephanie Pennington
Junior Producer: Valentina Garcia Salazar

Production Assistants:
Denver Ross (@denvyross)
Matthew Ing (@ingcommamatthew)
Mackenzie Loveys (@mackenzieloveys)
Sonia Koren (@sonia.koren)
Jeff Hemlin (@ethjeff)

Executive Producers: Kingston Film Office, KCFF (@kingcanfilmfest), Braden Dragomir (@bdragomir), Melissa Eapen (@melissaescapes), Kasador (@kasadorband)

Catering: Otter Creek Catering - Will Arnaud + Francois Drolet (@ottercreekkitchen)

Special thanks:
Ted Simha-Shuster @tedwin92 - wonderful BTS
Out of Kit @outofkit - killer prosthetics
In this Video Artist(s) Kasador Resource(s) Outpost12 Studios

Video Credits

Directed by: Braden Dragomir
Filmed by: Brody McMaster
Edited by: Taylor Leeder
Produced by: Kingston Film Office
Produced by: Kingston Canadian Film Festival
Posted: May. 16, 2023 via kingstonlive.ca

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