Hartman - Escape Mind (Official Music Vide)

Official Music Video for “Escape Mind” from Canadian based Hip/Hop artist Hartman!
A RedRecordingGreen Production.

Shot/Edited by Brendan Hartley
Produced by Stav Z

“Escape Mind” available on all platforms - https://ampl.ink/JbRY6

“Is It Something I Said?” Official Music Video out now - https://youtu.be/ykjkALuVaQs

“Nine Lives” official music video out now https://youtu.be/bBB8OgA2kTU

“Degenerate($)” a 10 song collection available on all platforms - https://ampl.ink/1lvEN

“Freestyle Vol. One - Rap Life” - https://youtu.be/KQJsowrpcCI

“Freestyle Vol. Two - Will Dafoe” - https://youtu.be/aQkYL7yWKHc

“Freestyle Vol. Three - Uncle Al” - https://youtu.be/pXqkLiVPzhg

“Freestyle Vol. Four - Everything’s Good!” - https://youtu.be/eoB0WO0fVes

“Freestyle Vol. Five - House Money” - https://youtu.be/TGfutBMyYtM

“Freestyle Vol. Six - Red House” - https://youtu.be/TqmlgQtKg2I

“Remedy” Official music video out now https://youtu.be/hdZejIoqm0U
all platfroms - https://ampl.ink/zNRKA

“What’s Going On” - Official music video out now https://youtu.be/G5vQdQd4SWc
all platforms - https://ampl.ink/zNRKA

“Lost File($)”- a 12 song collection available on all platforms - https://ampl.ink/71yNX

#RedRecordingGreen #EscapeMind #MusicVideo #Hartman #Degenerates #LostFiles #CarpeDiem #RapLife

#Kingston #KingstonHipHop #Toronto #TorontoHipHop #HipHop #Rap #NewMusic #OldSchool #NewSchool #MadMen
In this Video Artist(s) Chris Hart
Posted: May. 26, 2023 via artsvictoria.ca

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