The Man That Got Away by Kim Greenwood

From the incredibly special evening, "Over the Rainbow" - Celebrating Judy Garland at 100 at Hermann's Jazz Club on June 10, 2022. Check out the whole show with my beautiful friend and incredible singer/performer Diane Pancel on Hermann's Youtube Channel

Our wonderful ensemble and friends:
Ashley Wey - piano
Roy Styffe - tenor saxophone
Louis Rudner - bass
Jon Miller - Drums

A special shoutout to Louis Rudner for his reduction of Judy's orchestral arrangement for "The Man That Got Away" and a number of the other songs we performed that evening.
In this Video Artist(s) Kim Greenwood, Jon Miller, Louis Rudner, Ashley Wey
Posted: Jul. 6, 2023 via
Filmed: Jun. 10, 2022

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