Jon and Roy "Know Your Mind" [Live Video]

Jon and Roy's title track from their upcoming album "Know Your Mind". Filmed by Kludak, live in Victoria, BC at the Roundhouse.

We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada and of Canada's Private Radio Broadcasters. Nous reconnaissons l'appui financier du gouvernement du Canada et des radiodiffuseurs privés du Canada.

Available at your fav streaming place, or wherever you listen to music:

Paranoia ‘cross the blue skies
Nothing for you but some hard eyes
Then the lightning strikes and out go the lights
Now you’re all alone but you have your rights
And you’re holding them tight

It’s a long road and we are bound
To implode when a truth’s found
Deep within the corners of our minds
Where them hidden things that we don’t want to find
Start to lose their bind

Open up that heart and let it shine
Slash away them things that make you unkind
Got to know your mind
Got to know your mind
In this Video Artist(s) Jon and Roy Resource(s) Kludak, The Roundhouse Cafe
Posted: Oct. 16, 2023 via

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