Evan Jackson - True Gentleman (Official Video)

Directed, Filmed, and Edited by Jay Middaugh

ft. Acting by Sydney Fiset (@sydneyfiset)

Recorded by Duncan Holt
Mixed by Dylan Lodge
Song and Lyrics by Evan Jackson and recorded with Neil Compson (drums), Walter Assesstine (mandolin), and David Jackson (bass)

Thanks so much for the support, I love you all!

We met in the Money Mart
You borrowed my ballpoint pen
The form which you used it to fill out
Was denied again and again
Runnin's always easier than
Staying in one spot
I had you and you had me
And that was all we got

And you held the door open
Like a true gentleman
'44 in one, and my heart in your
Other sweaty hand
Well she's cold, she's ruthless, but I know that
You guys are just good friends
'Cuz I'm your russian roulette lady
I'm your million dollar baby
Can't expect things to always make sense
But I'll kiss you on the cheek
Then be the bullet in your head

Someday the sherriff will find us
And exact his sweet revenge
But until then, put the money on the counter
Maam, we're not here to make friends

But you held the door open
Like a true gentleman
'44 in one, and my heart in your
Other sweaty hand
Well she's cold, she's ruthless, but I know that
You guys are just good friends
'Cuz I'm your russian roulette lady
I'm your million dollar baby
Can't expect things to always make sense
But I'll kiss you on the cheek
Then be the bullet in your head

Living gets expensive
Living gets expensive it'll cost you, yeah,
But ammo's always cheap
Sleepless nights, lead to wrinkled eyes
It's been fifty years December,
But I can still remember how you-

Held the door open
Like a true gentleman
'44 in one, and my heart in your
Other sweaty hand
Well she's cold, she's ruthless, but I know that
You guys are just good friends
'Cuz I'm your russian roulette lady
I'm your million dollar baby
Can't expect things to always make sense
But I'll kiss you on the cheek
Then be the bullet in your head
In this Video Artist(s) Evan Jackson

Video Credits

Filmed by: Jay Middaugh
Directed by: Jay Middaugh
Edited by: Jay Middaugh
Posted: Mar. 10, 2024 via kingstonlive.ca

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