Ba Ban Variation - Proliferasian & gCO at Sound of Dragon Music Festival 2014 Vancouver
Ba Ban Variation - Lan Tung (2009 & 2010)
Inspired by Ba Ban or Eight Phrases, the root of hundreds of pieces in traditional Chinese repertoire, this original work written for improvising musicians explores the contrasts between tonalities and genres. It embodies the paradox of many opposite characters: chromatic and pentatonic passages, composed and improvised materials, contemporary and traditional forms, with sudden shifts between surreal or mysterious quality and an exciting fast 3+2+3 rhythmic cycle. Ba Ban Variations was premiered by the Vancouver Creative Music Institute at 2009 Vancouver International Jazz Festival, and has since then been performed by a number of ensembles, including Turning Point Ensemble, Orchestra Armonia, and Taiwan’s Little Giant Chinese Chamber Orchestra. It is released by Birds of Paradox on its 2009 debut CD.
Little Giant Chinese Chamber Orchestra (Taiwan)
conductor Chih-Sheng Chen
Lan Tung - erhu/Chinese violin & vocal
JP Carter - trumpet & effects
Kevin Romain - drums
Rossell Sholberg - bass
Sound of Dragon Music Festival is Vancouver’s first festival devoted to “Chinese music”, showcasing very diverse musical styles: ancient folk and classical repertoire, contemporary compositions, jazz, world, fusion, and avant-garde improvisation in solo, chamber, and orchestral performances. While presenting authentic traditional music, the festival promotes creativity and innovation in imaginative new ensembles and projects, utilizing unusual cross-cultural instrumentations. By presenting musicians, ensembles and composers from different ethnicities, nationalities, and musical genres, Sound of Dragon re-defines “Chinese music” and reflects Vancouver’s growing multicultural environment, representing a highly creative music scene.
《八板變奏曲》– 作曲董籃 (2009 & 2010)
融合中國傳統音樂、爵士音樂、現代樂手法,為即興樂隊所作,不限樂器編制,即興部分為圖像記譜,最早三重奏版本收錄於【非鳥樂隊】(Birds of Paradox) 專輯中。
JP Carter - 小喇叭&電音效果
Kevin Romain - 爵士鼓
Russell Sholberg - 低音提琴
龍吟滄海音樂節於2014年5月9至11日假溫哥華圓屋社區中心(Roundhouse Community Centre)舉辦,為期三天的20場音樂會,稟持了承襲傳統、追求創新的精神,展現華人傳統樂器的多元風貌。東、西樂器同台獻藝,演繹傳統民俗和古典樂、當代原創作品、爵士樂、世界音樂、即興實驗音樂等,在保存、宣揚傳統文化精髓的同時,也改變一般民眾對傳統樂器的刻版印象。除音樂會外,音樂節還有各式各樣的免費推廣活動:民族樂器示範 、音樂講座、工作坊、影片播放、多媒體展覽、影音播放室等。並設有「樂器遊樂園」,讓民眾有機會近距離的觀賞各種樂器,聆聽音樂家們的介紹,並且親自嘗試樂器操作。
In this Video Artist(s)
Lan Tung, J.P. Carter, Kevin Romain Video Credits
Filmed by: Don Xaliman
Edited by: Energy Disc
Produced by: Lan Tung
Posted: Sep. 9, 2016 via
Filmed: May. 10, 2014