Sound of Dragon - Proliferasian & gCO Vancouver JazzFest 2015
Composed for Vancouver’s inaugural Sound of Dragon Music Festival in May 2014, the piece starts with a phrase from a famous Chinese traditional piece “Crazy Snake Dance”. But it quickly departs into a new world, with a touch of African rhythms and improvised solos.
Proliferasian (Vancouver) is 董籃 Lan Tung (二胡erhu), JP Carter (trumpet & effects), Kevin Romain (drums) and Colin Cowan (bass)
Little Giant Chinese Chinese Orchestra (Taiwan) is conducted by Dr. Shih Sheng Chen.
In this Video Artist(s)
Lan Tung, J.P. Carter, Kevin Romain , Proliferasian Resource(s)
Sound of Dragon Society Video Credits
Filmed by: Lan Tung
Edited by: Lan Tung
Produced by: Lan Tung
Posted: Sep. 9, 2016 via