Lux Aeterna - Brian A. Schmidt

Lux Aeterna by Brian A. Schmidt performed by the Phoenix Chamber Choir (Vancouver, Canada), Graeme Langager, conductor.

Lux Aeterna is featured on our CD: "Mid-Winter Songs, Lauridsen / Un Soir de Neige, Poulenc", available on our website December, 2014 or on iTunes in early 2015.

The Phoenix Chamber Choir recently celebrated its 30th anniversary as one of Canada’s finest vocal ensembles, renowned for diverse and eclectic programming from the Renaissance to the contemporary, commissions from Canadian and international composers, and North American premieres of significant new works. Phoenix was winner and three-time finalist in the European Broadcasting Union’s Let The Peoples Sing competition; 12-time winner at the CBC Choral Competition; choir-in-residence at the Copenhagen Choral Festival and Millennial Choral Festival (Banff Centre for the Arts); and featured performer at the National Conductors’ Symposium and World Symposium on Choral Music. Phoenix Chamber Choir is heard regularly on radio across North America, Europe and Australia.

Please visit us online at, or on Facebook at

This recording was made in May, 2014 at the Chan Centre for the Performing Arts, University of British Columbia, Vancouver.

Audio engineering by Will Howie.
Video production by Thomas Sanz (
In this Video Artist(s) Phoenix Chamber Choir
Posted: Feb. 27, 2015 via

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