Today Is The Day - Funk Vigilante (The Apocalypse Anthem)

It`s the Apocalypse!

Directed by Ghosty Boy
Cinematography by Justin Baglo
Edited by Ghosty Boy

Music produced by David Fraelic and Ghosty Boy
Engineered, Mixed and Mastered
by David Fraelic at at Prodigal Sound Productions

Executive Producer: Joe Sunstrum

Lyrics and music by Ghosty Boy
Additional arrangement by Funk Vigilante, Dave Fraelic and Sean Herbert-walker.

Vocals: Ghosty
Drums: Judson Mackay
Bass: Nigel G. Strange
Keys/Samples: Matt Bass
Guitar: Josh Boudreau

Have a happy Apocalypse everyone!


Funk V
Today is the Day
The Apocalypse
The End is Nigh
The End times
Tiananmen Square
Ghosty Boy
Josh Boudreau
Matt Bass
Internet Fight Song
Civil Disobedience
Worst President Ever
Victoria BC
Killing In The Name
Current Swell
The Lost Boys
The End
In this Video Artist(s) Ghosty, Ghosty Boy, FUNK VIGILANTE

Video Credits

Directed by: Ghosty Boy
Filmed by: Jon Baglo
Posted: Jan. 31, 2018 via
Filmed: Oct. 24, 2012

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