R&B ALLSTARS - Turn me Loose, I'm Dr. Feelgood - Live at The HARD ROCK

R&B ALLSTARS - Turn me Loose, I'm Dr. Feelgood - Live at The HARD ROCK
Visit the bands website at www.rbalive.com
David Steele: Vocals
Joani Bye: Vocals and Guitar
Kirsten Nash: Vocals ans Tenor Sax
Russell Marsland: Guitar and Vocals
Billy Mendoza: Bass and Vocals
Al Lynch: Trumpet and vocals
Rick Hill: Drums
Al Davidson: Keyboards
Colin Weinmaster: Trombone
Steve Hilliam: Also Sax
John Pearson: Baritone Sax

Directed by Gene Greenwood
Editor: Gene Greenwood
Production: Farting Puppy Productions
Audio: Scott Ternan
In this Video Artist(s) R&B All Stars
Posted: May. 10, 2018 via artsvictoria.ca

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