Profile Image: Pernell Reichert Band

Pernell Reichert Band

Alt Country from Vancouver BC
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other sites: cbcmusic | bandsintown


Pernell Reichert Band

Label: Indie
since circa 2004
The Pernell Reichert Band is a three piece band from Vancouver, BC, Canada, featuring Pernell on acoustic guitar, electric guitar, harmonica, banjo, and vocals; Ross Fairbairn on bass and background vocals; and Tom Tischer on drums and background vocals. Their music has been described as razor sharp folk, alt country, or cow punk. The band's live act showcases fast folky songs, foot stomping banjo songs, solo acoustic songs, and roots/rock songs.

Pernell Reichert is a singer/songwriter, and fast finger picker. His songs reflect his experiences on the road of life and the highways of the world. As a solo artist, Pernell’s style of guitar playing has been described as high energy, with fast finger picking numbers that keep the listener intrigued. When performing with the band, the tempo is upbeat with a full thick sound that keeps the toes tapping and the crowd dancing.

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other sites: cbcmusic | bandsintown

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Current Lineup

Pernell Reichert
guitars, banjo, harmonica, vocals
2004 - present
Tom Tischer
drums, vocals
2008 - present
Ross Fairbairn
bass, vocals
2012 - present

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