Profile Image: Bob Berry
 "Bob "Blue" Berry"

Bob Berry

Blues, Blues & more Blues! from Parksville BC
Age: 64 (estimated)
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Bob Berry
"Bob "Blue" Berry"

Instruments: Bass, Vocals details
Bob “Blue” Berry
Bob was born in the small town of Port Alberni, B.C, Canada, although coming fromA musical family (dad was a B.C. champion accordion player in the 50’s) he didn’t getInto music until High School where he started playing the trumpet.
He was fortunate to win several awards, & music was easy to him.
Around 1977, some friends were forming bands & needed a Bass player (no-one wants to learn that when they’re young, lol, doesn’t get the girls)
He started playing in a few bands, but never got to do a live show & the music of the time Just didn’t hit him right.
He sold all his gear & didn’t play a lick for around 14 years, finally picking up a Samick Bass (but no amp) & picked it up about once every 6 months.
In 1995, Mike Mallon approached Bob (having met around 10 years previously through a mutual friend) and asked him if he wanted to do a gig out at Sproat Lake, he agreed (not realizing it was only a month away) and had a great time.
A pivotal moment happened just 5 days later, when they played a gig for the local rugby club, a bunch of people where there, but 3 people took some stools & sat right in front of the band &am... show more

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Lazy Mike & the Rockin' Recliners
Bass, Vocals
1995 - present

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