
from Seattle Washington
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Label: Fast Horse Recordings
Formed in Seattle in 1996 to write and record film soundtracks, Tuatara quickly emerged on the international music scene and has remained one of the most innovative and original music groups of the alternative music explosion. Composed of founding members Barrett Martin, drummer of the Screaming Trees, Peter Buck and Scott McCaughey, guitarists of REM, percussionist Elizabeth Pupo-Walker, and horn players Skerik, Craig Flory, and Dave Carter, Tuatara was on the fast track to making not only film soundtracks, but several studio albums as well. Seven albums later, the band is in high gear again in 2008-2009 with a new album out November 18th, a collaboration with legendary Sufi poet Coleman Barks titled "The Here And The Gone."

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Peter Buck
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Dave Carter

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