Blank Cinema

Synth / Punk from Vancouver BC
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Blank Cinema

Label: Flatland
since circa 2008
Loosely organized punk cacophony or euphoria inducing synth pop textures. The canvas is yours, the movie theirs, come one, come all to the movie in their minds.
Vancouver, BC ·
Available for Shows/Gigs

Current Lineup

Jacob Fox
Vocals, Guitar, Keys
2008 - present
Justin P James
Drums, Vocals
2011 - present
Patrick Lok
2012 - present
Naomi Horii
Bass, Keys, Vocals
2012 - present

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Blank Cinema
Blank Cinema, April 4 at the Cameo Café By Curt Cherewayko Forget the auto industry bailout. The worst kind of government interference is that which creeps into our social life. Case in point: Saturday night at the Cameo Café. Moun...
Author: Curt Cherewayko
Published by: The Skinny Magazine

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