
60's pop / blues from Victoria BC
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circa 2004 - circa 2007
We're a smooth 60's pop band with a healthy smattering of rock & roll, blues, and Northern soul. Influences include Led Zeppelin, The Stones, The Who, Elvis Costello, The Beatles, Robert Johnson, Nick Drake, Jimi Hendrix, Gram Parsons and Stevie Ray Vaughn. We've got a bunch of original songs, and a few great covers.
Continuing Under New Name

Last Lineup

Ben Stone "Stoney"
Bass/Lead Vox
2004 - 2007
Dirty Mac
Lead Guitar/Vox
2004 - 2007
Edmund Zooster
Rythm Guitar/Vox
2004 - 2007
Nicholas Hill "Nick"
2006 - 2007
Unlinked Musician
Rhythm Guitar/Vox
2006 - 2007

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