The Bonitos

from Vancouver BC
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The Bonitos

Label: unsigned
since circa 2009
Billy Hopeless' new 'serious' band. Will take the place in your hearts left by the demise of the Black Halos. Go to their myspace and befriend them, they are lonely.
Available for Shows/Gigs

Current Lineup

Billy Hopeless
2009 - present

Past Members

Denyss McKnight
Bass, Vocals
2011 - 2012

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Band Articles

2010: The year of the Bonitos.
2010: The year of the Bonitos. Introducing Vancouver’s newest punk band…shooting clams and taking names. By Kristina Mameli Prior to this, I’d never heard of anyone interviewing a band that no one other than the band member...
Author: Kristina Mameli
Published by: The Skinny Magazine

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