
Neo Folk Jazz World from Victoria BC
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Label: indie
since circa 2009
“NikTex is an intriguing band with a bright future”
- Victoria International Jazz Festival

In 2011, NikTex Jazzed it up at the Victoria International Jazz Festival and played their first RIFFLANDIA Festival at Alix Goolden Hall !

In 2012 they are writing new material and Nikole is in school learning how to design and build furniture.

NikTex joined forces in 2009 after Texidor received a grant from the Canada Council for the Arts.

In 2010, NikTex released “The Power of Yang”, creating their own distinctive form of neo-folk jazz augmented with electronica flourishes. It has been heard on over 35 radio stations across Canada and has charted in the Top 20 on Earshot!.

NikTex reached the Top 10 in the 2010 Lilith Fair New Talent search in Vancouver and were chosen as finalists, to compete in Pacifique en Chanson, a new talent search for francophone artists in British-Columbia in May 2011.

Originally from Montreal, Nikole Texidor was heavily influenced by her father - a celebrated musician who performed with Rahsaan Roland Kirk.
The stories he told of being on the road and sharing the stage with Miles Davis, Charles Mingus, Led Zeppelin, Frank Zappa and Jimi Hendrix were times where she wished she had a tape recorder.

She spent a few years in music school, toured the states, and has been on British-Columbia’s summer festival scene for the last 2 years.

NikTex Personel is ::
Nikole Texidor
Manjinder Benning
Kate Hutchins
Colin Nealis
Jake Jenne

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Current Lineup

Nikole Texidor
Vocals, Guitar, Percussion
2009 - present
Manjinder Benning
guitar, electronic production, drums, tablas
2009 - present

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