We Came As Romans

from Michigan
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other sites: myspace


We Came As Romans

We Came As Romans is a post-hardcore band formed in 2005. Hailing from Troy, Michigan, We Came As Romans are pushing the envelope, combining influences such as the intertwined singing/screaming vocals of Underoath, the theatrical, orchestra-infused metal of Chiodos, the crushing breakdowns of The Devil Wears Prada and the positive lyrics of August Burns Red on their debut Equal Vision release, To Plant A Seed.

They are now working on a followup to 2009’s To Plant A Seed and have booked February 2011 to record in the studio.

Signed to Equal Vision Records (announced April 16th) after being named Alternative Press’ “Best Unsigned Band” early 2009.
other sites: myspace

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Lou Cotton
Kyle Pavone
Eric Choi

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