
from Victoria BC
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Label: unsigned
since circa 2002
Sometimes from bad luck or circumstance amazing opportunities and transformations can arrise. This is much the case for Maurice. From major label signings and lofty expectations to tamult and shattered dreams out of mishandled potential and naivety, Jean-Paul Maurice was able to pick up the pieces of a misdirected career path and a dysfunctional record deal and take his music and art into his own hands.

Jean-Paul Maurice grew up as a Much Music kid in Victoria BC, Canada. Highly influenced by visions of rock stars and melodic love songs. A turkey baster was his first pretend microphone. Family photographs show him holding a plastic guitar while wearing a pink bandana and his sister's heart shaped sunglasses, professing at the age of 2 he wanted to be a rock star when he grew up.  

This fall, Maurice will release His second full length album, Songs In Sea. It showcases the monumental transformation of a sound. The album reflects and surmises the metaphoric irony which stands as a symbol for these recordings. The fluidity of the ocean and how it is always changing - the fluidity of music and how it is always evolving. The different emotions and stirring of life that emanat... show more
Broken Up

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Last Lineup

JP Maurice
2001 - The End
Simon Margetts
2002 - The End
Connor Waddell
2002 - The End
Aidan Knight
2006 - The End

Past Members

Devon King
2001 - 2006
2008 - 2012

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