Profile Image: Gavin Dixon

Gavin Dixon

from Victoria BC
Age: 77


Gavin Dixon

Instruments: Vocals, Bass details
Gavin was born in England during September of 1947 and started his musical journey at the age of 16. Touted by many as one of the best Brit-Rock singers of all time, in 1962 he joined a group in the town of Hull called The Strollers who opened for acts like “The Hollies”, “The Searchers”, “Pretty Things” and others. He befriended and hung out with other musicians in Hull lincluding Mick Ronson and Trevor Bolder who were in a band called The Rats. By 1967 his family emigrated to Canada, first to Hamilton Ontario for 6 months before relocating to British Columbia on Vancouver Island in the town of Sooke. He met and jammed with musicans Reg Young , Vic Woods and others at the Nine In the Fifth on Government Street in Victoria in the late 60's before going to Vancouver in the early70's. He recalls his favorite band at the time was a group called Moxie and like many others agreed they were “the best Victoria band at the time”. Once in Vancouver, he formed a band called The Fragile Band with Nick Dokter, Kit Taylor, Harold Collishaw and Kenny McColl. On November 12 1973 they were booked at the Garden Auditorium opening for Electric Light Orchestra. The band were so well received, the crowd cheered for an encore so they played “Roll Over Beethoven” much to the chagrin of ELO who later admitted, “they did a really good version of the song”. In the mid 70's, Gavin played in another group The Sam Hurrie Band before he returned to Vancouver Island and played in a variety of bands including Slingshot, Riff Raff, Motherland, Hot In The Shade, Blue Cadillac and his last band Big Pacific, reuniting with his old friend drummer Nick Dokter. Now retired from playin full time, Gavin enjoys life in Victoria and occasionally jams with his old band mates.
Retired / Inactive

Community Events

Current Projects

Don Peterson and The Tone Rangers
2025 - present
Big Pacific
Lead Vocals/Bass
2020 - present

Past Projects

Slingshot Victoria
The Sam Hurrie Band
Blue Cadillac
2011 - 2013
Hot In The Shade
1994 - 2007
Riff Raff-Victoria
1979 - 1981
The Fragile Band-1973
1972 - 1973
The Strollers
1965 - 1966
Uncle Grumpy

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