Deckard Cain consists of guitarists Alex Bruce and Craig Tessier, drummer Max Desjardins, bassist Tony Woollven, and singer Travis Dean.
Started as 3 members in 2008 Craig Tessier, Max Desjardins, and Tony Woollven formed the first line up of Deckard Cain. Under a year later Alex Bruce was added to the line up and along with him came a heavier influence on the music that followed. In August 2010 Craig Tessier didn`t leave the band but left Victoria to travel Europe, leaving Deckard Cain with only 3 members again. After almost 8 months Craigs return brought renewed enthusiasm and in the summer of 2011 Travis Dean answered a wanted add posted by the band looking for a singer and the current 5 piece line up of Deckard Cain was formed.
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