Lights Below

Screamo from Vancouver BC
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Lights Below

Label: Independant
since circa 2003
Lights Below are five dudes who play music for the love of it. That is it. They write songs to make themselves happy, and have the time of their lives doing so. Touring Canada multiple times, and the west coast of the USA with only a 6 song EP, has brought this band a strong fan base, which only continues to grow.

The band recently finished a 6 week full US tour, taking them coast to coast, followed by another 7 weeks across Canada, while recording a new album in between. In the midst of their strenuous touring schedule, the band signed a deal with Canadian indie-label Torque Recording Company.

Already performing alongside such bands as The Used (Reprise); 30 Seconds To Mars (Virgin); Chiodos & Damiera (Equal Vision); Bury Your Dead & Aiden (Victory); Moneen & Senses Fail (Vagrant); Bleed The Dream, Adair, & My American Heart (Warcon); Saosin (Capitol); The End (Relapse); The Gorgeous (Distort); Bless The Fall & Greeley Estates (both on Record Collection), and a date on the 2006 Vans Warped Tour, what the future holds for this group has yet to be seen.

With their Torque Records debut, She Teaches Defeat, set for release on September 4th, 2007, the band is poised and ready for anything and everything. Are you ready?

Broken Up

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Last Lineup

Taylor Grant
2003 - The End
Greg Dion
2003 - The End
Keenan Federico
2003 - The End
Tristan Federico
2003 - The End
Sean Jackson
2004 - The End

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