Profile Image: Rick Brown
 "Richard Melvin Brown"

Rick Brown

Country, Pop, Jazz from Vimy Alberta
Age: 78 (estimated)


Rick Brown
"Richard Melvin Brown"

Instruments: Piano/Keyboards, Drums, Vocals, Composition/Songwriting details
Hi, I'm Rick Brown (I was Born and raised in Victoria B.C.) and played Drums and Keyboards with various bands that are listed on this website including (Gary Lee), (Lightning Express) mostly in the 60s, as well as a few others including "The David Foster Trio" at the old (Century Inn) on the corner of Government and Pandora. I worked (or should I say played) in Edmonton through the 1970's until 1992 working as a busy Studio Musician on (keyboards) and also doing a lot of composing and arranging work for various recording projects. Many of my original songs have been recorded by various artists in Canada, the U.S. and Europe. In 1992 I won (along with lyricist Frank Stachow) the Alberta Recording Industry Association Award for "Songwriter of the Year". I also toured Europe on 3 different occasions as Music Director for "The Canadian Country Music All-Star Show). After spending 22 years living in the U.S, (Seattle Wa, Birch Bay Wa and winters in Bullhead City Az I now spend my time at my home in Vimy Alberta, (being close to my Chil... show more
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Studio Musician, Arranger/Producer. Edmonton AB
Piano, Keyboards
70s - 1992
The Electros
Gary Lee & The Group
60s - 1960
Gary Lee Trio
Lightning Express
David Foster Trio
KGN +4
1966 - 1967
The Group
1963 - 1964

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