Dirty Mac and the Rude Mood

Boogie-Core Blues Rock from Victoria BC
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Dirty Mac and the Rude Mood

since circa 2002
After a painfull year spent abroad in a Turkish Prison, Dirty Mac and the Rude Mood are back and, dare I say it, ready to rock and possibly even roll. The band is saddened by the loss of their lead singer, Elmo Phelge, who succumbed to a massive overdose of 7.62x.51 mm standard NATO issue bullets. The boys have put that behind themselves, however, and are now ready to once again give people something to dream on.
Broken Up

Last Lineup

FourSkins Henley
2004 - The End
Brian "Big Issue" Buchannan
2004 - The End

Past Members

Ben Stone "Stoney"
2003 - 2004

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