Creators of the HORRORBILLY genre, masters of balls out rock, foremost motherf*ckers in their own right THE MATADORS have been destroying stages and the minds of the youth since the mid 90s with their brand of lucifer driven,booze fueled hate rock.
No band has ever come close to THE MATADORS is terms of live show and performance and no band has ever assembled 3 musicians with such raw and unfathomable talent before. Seeing THE MATADORS live is like being in a funhouse that has been set on fire,like being trapped in a womens prison on a full moon, and be prepared and bring a change of pants because you will shit the pants you bring to the show.
THE MATADORS are the type of band that blows through your town and then the next day 100 bands pop that want to be just like them... THE MATADORS are the most influential band of their generation like tthe Ramones in their era and the Velvet Underground in theirs generations of kids will moved by the awesome force that is MATADORS for as long as there is recorded music and ears to fucking hear it....
THE MATADORS created the genre HORRORBILLY only to remain the top in that field and alll others. There are a few bands that claim to BE horrorbilly but upon closer inspection you will find that not only are those bands poser hairdressers but that these bands are doing nothing more then cashing in on what THE MATADORS invented!! Nonetheless, be not fooled be these THE MATADORS are the genuine article. Drawing their greatness from where TRUE rock and roll has always drawn it from THE DEVIL!!!!... That's right folks The Matadors are literally in league WITH SATAN himself.
Since selling their souls to lucifer in 1995 in exchange for super human prowess on their instruments on sumpreme omnipotence over their audience they have been unstoppable ,since, amazing audiences in Germany, France,America,Canada,Japan...the world over is astounded by The Matadors. Spreading the word of their infernal master and harvesting souls for him to power 'The Great Work' is their one and only goal.
The Matadors offer you the chance to sell your soul (or at least parts of it you won't be using for a while) in exchange for becoming a more attractive person or to be more popular or to improve your abilty to attract more money into your life...whatever your earthly needs are, The Devil can provide you with solutions and THE MATADORS are HIS representitives on earth as 'salesmen' if you will... Don't miss your chance to get in on the bottom floor. Don't be left out. You don't be left behind when December 21st 2012 hits... I assure you, you will regret it.
One night in 1999 Parkins was approached by what he describes as "a ghoulish figure in a black hood....or something"
The mysterious stranger told Parkins that he was a representative of a group called The Lucifarian Brotherhood of Baphomet, and that The Matadors had caught the attention of the brotherhood. This "ghoul" came to propose a deal to the band. If the Matadors would write and perform Lucifarian gospel music, mixing it in with their traditional rockabilly set, they would, in exchange, receive super-human ability on their respective instruments as well as complete omnipotence over their audiences.
This sounded like a fair deal to Parkins so he pitched it to the other Matadors. They agreed that the deal was in their favour and set about to cement the deal. Instantly the audiences were in a frenzy, drinking inhuman amounts with complete disregard for tomorrow. Once the band began with the new Lucifarian music, onlookers could not help but spend their entire paychecks in a single evening of lewd wanton depravity.
As time went on, The Matadors became more and more powerful as they added more Lucifarian music to their repertoire Eventually the performances became so intense that some members of the band became afraid of the power and evil that followed them to every show. These cowardly members were allowed out of their contract with the brotherhood and went on to die listless and alone....Hooch himself stayed the course.
THE MATADORS continue on 5 albums laster and one on the way this year..
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