
from Burnaby BC
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since circa 2012
Vancouver, BC, musician, producer, video game programmer, and general technology nerd Richard A-P started his singleplayer project in 2012.

Having spent many years in his native UK as well as on the Canadian west coast playing and touring in bands, A-P decided this time around to work as a solo act; partly in reaction to the frustration of failing to find like minded musical collaborators, and partially to use the flexibility afforded by working alone to explore numerous, diverse musical influences.

Inspired by acts such as Diamond Rings and The Kills, and musically influenced by everybody from the seminal guitar electronica crossover of the likes of Jesus and Mary Chain, the dance rock fusion of the Stone Roses and Happy Mondays, to more contemporary crossover artists such as TV on the Radio and The Weeknd; he recorded a couple of demo songs in his home studio, and decided on a whim to upload them to Radio Reddit, the online radio station attached to the popular online community, without really thinking anything would ever come of it.
However, when one of those songs (‘god in the numbers’) hit the the top 5 of the monthly charts, it was apparent that the project had appeal beyond the scope of personal experimentation.
More songs followed, together with local radio airplay, a debut 5 song EP (Sweet Machines), and most recently a 4 track EP The Feels.

singleplayer is currently putting together live shows for the latter half of 2013.

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Richard A-P
2012 - present

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