Duke Robillard Band

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Duke Robillard Band

All of 17 when he founded the seminal Roomful of Blues 40 years ago, guitar hero Duke Robillard continues to be one of the most creative and compelling voices in the world of blues and roots music. He’s won four W.C. Handy awards as “Blues Guitarist of the Year,” while his fantastic Guitar Groove-A-Rama was Grammy nominated in 2007. From jazz to jump blues, and gut-bucket to funk and soul, Robillard has done it all and done it better than almost anybody. Over the years this versatile musician has recorded with Bob Dylan, Jay McShann, The Fabulous Thunderbirds, Herb Ellis . . . the list goes on! Last here in 2005, this blues master put on an unforgettable show at the Vancouver Island Blues Bash.
“One of the great players.” – B.B. King

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