Profile Image: Komodo Wagon

Komodo Wagon

Hard Rock from Vancouver BC
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Komodo Wagon

since circa 2000
Beware of Big Riffs!!! KOMODO WAGON A Living, Breathing, Sweating, Beast of a Band!
Not Metal, but the Metalheads might like it. Not Punk, but the Oi's might dig it. Not Indie, but it's fun to see a Waif Rock Out. Not Hardcore, cause they ain't rich kids. Not Glam, cause nobody can top Ziggy and Bolan. Not Grunge cause most of those guys are dead. Just one heck of a Rock band. Call them what you will, they aren't genre snobs, just ROCKERS!
The band was started by Canadian Vocalist, Guitarist, Songwriter TROY PERLIC during his12 year tenure in Europe. Recording, Touring and just generally 'having a grand ol' fucking time', Komodo Wagon has been reincarnated with Troy's relocation to his native Vancouver. A new All-Canadian line-up has been assembled including the swaggering Ryan Borodey on Lead Guitar and a seasoned rhythm section (Vic – Drums & Dallas Heal – Bass) that 'll make as many parents 'run for cover' as they make heads bang in the venues. Forget the trends, just ROCK ROCK ROCK. Afterall, isn't that what it's really all about?
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Current Lineup

Troy Perlic
Vocalist, Guitarist, Songwriter
2000 - present
Ryan Borodey
Lead Guitar
2000 - present
Dallas Heal
Bass Guitar
2015 - present
Unlinked Musician
2015 - present

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